I am either a very slow learner or very stubborn. I'm not sure which is preferable. I woke up this morning with that ever so familiar gnaw of indecisiveness. The very thing I wrote about yesterday. So, I prayed. I loosely settled on a 'plan for the day.' The monkey wrench came, as is not uncommon. Indecisiveness returned.
You know, I have this character defect of being much attached to what I want. I tend toward inflexibility. This is bad enough in itself. It leads to stress and seeds of selfishness being sown, rather than seeds of love and service. It's compounded by the fact that I don't actually know what I want. I just seem to want something else a lot. Something other than what's presented me. This is a problem.
I was sort-of ruminating on this this morning and I realized that of course, this all goes deeper, as character defects often do. Often these flaws sprouted in childhood in self-defense and we have fed them for so long that they can not be easily extracted. And I'm an over-analyzer. I like to know cause. Which can be tricky. See, I think if I know the why, then I can deal with the what. But really, I can't deal with the what at all. Awareness and knowledge are necessary and should be sought after but the only way to actually shed any troublesome character defect is to pray it away. Sometimes God is more than happy to oblige. Other times, He lets us struggle so in our weakness He can be made strong.
And sometimes analyzing can be a tool we use to postpone giving something over. At least, in my case. And then, sometimes, analyzing leads to realizations that aren't exactly settling. This was the case this morning. I realized that my indecisiveness over the small things is a cover-up for the big things.
There is unrest in my soul because I am living my life in a way that is incongruous with how I desire to live my life. How I know I am called to live. And so it manifests in unease with small decisions. I am avoiding big change so resisting small change. Oooh, how painful it is to write this. But I feel that if I don't acknowledge to myself the truth, I will stay stuck in the wavering. Which is an unpleasant way to live. So, I have to give all of myself over. I have to allow God to lead my life in the weighty matters as well as the seemingly inconsequential ones. Only then, will I have peace.
"...sometimes when we listen, we are led into places we do not expect, into adventures we do not always understand."
-Madeline L'Engle
Courage to Answer God’s Call: Saying Yes to God
18 hours ago