
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Morning beginnings

I said recently that it's impossible to do it all.  At least it is for me.  Sometimes (okay, often) I look at other women and they appear to have it all.  To be able to do it all.  Maybe appearances are deceiving or maybe I just haven't learned the trick yet.

On Wednesday mornings, I wake up early to do service work but from home.  And often, I'm not busy with the work and can do other things. This morning, I didn't have the kids.

One of the coolest and wisest hours a man has, is just after he awakes in the morning. –Herman Melville

And although I was groggy when I woke up at 5:45, I was also excited about all that I wanted to accomplish.  I wanted to finish my school work, hang pictures, paint a frame, and write.  Well, I did my school work (most of it), hung a few pictures and started on the frame. Now, I'm writing.  I didn't finish near as much as I thought I would.  Part of the problem is that I flit from one project to another. Multi-tasking for me results in inefficiency.  But I do it anyway.  Oh, and playing Spider Solitaire didn't help.

My hours are quickly fading before the kids come back.  And I could either beat myself up for not accomplishing as much as I want or I can be grateful that I gave a good start to a lot of things.

I think I'll focus on the later.  I'm learning, albeit slowly, to give myself a break. While, I need to learn, perhaps, the fine art of focus, I also can appreciate that my mind is such that it is always seeking new adventures.  New outlets for creativity.

Today, I will breathe.  I will not care that I have a million unfinished projects throughout the house.  I will look at it like the house is my studio and my projects, inspiration in progress. I will allow myself to be.

Nature Notes


  1. Hello Nicole and welcome to Nature Note..that is such a pretty photo showing the balance of sky, mounrtain and vegetation. You have a very full plate of things you have to do..hope you get to take time out to enjoy the scenery as it is amazing...Michelle

  2. Aw Nicole. I like that - "do what you do today be enough"
    All you can do is use every day you're blessed with another day to learn - and you ARE <3

  3. Hi Nicole...your post reminded me of the time when my kids were younger...hardly any 'me' time! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your kind words.:-) Beautiful mountain shot!

  4. Nice photo! (I flit from project to project too!)



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I'm a mother to six beautiful children (three boy, three girls) and married to a wonderful, incredibly patient and loving man. We homeschool and do life together and it's messy and full of grace.