
Friday, September 30, 2011

On Friends

On friends:

I've learned a lot about friendship in my life.  Nothing I could easily sum up, necessarily.  I've been surprised by friends in good ways and bad ways.  I've been without a lot of friends for a period which lasted far too long.

 Coming home to Arizona and reuniting with my friends after years of loneliness in Iowa was a gift from God.  While away I learned that Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a brother.  He truly is.  But I also learned that females, especially, need relationship.  We need relationship with other women.  I can't tell you how much lighter I feel, encircled by a few close friends.  I have coffee friends and card friends. I have deep intellectual friendships and friends that crack me up.  And I need all of that.  At thirty-two, I am able to see the value in each of these women I give this title to.  I can see that they are God-ordained friendships, women to learn from and to share joys and burdens with.  Friendship is no small thing.  I am so grateful for the people God has chosen to place in my life.

Submitting at Lemon Rhodes, Beholding Glory and


  1. ugh... Iowa is a lonely place right?
    I was there....Kevin Costner (From the movie Field of Dreams) was lying when he said Iowa is like heaven....
    glad you (and I in the East) are back with friends.

  2. a beautiful post, good friends are something to be very grateful for. thanks for linking up with me. x

  3. lol. Yes, the loneliest. He was lying!!! But people from there somehow are in love with it!

  4. Oh, you said it so very well. I think we need friends.

  5. I thank God for my friends. It is, as you say, no small thing.


  6. My life has been scattered lately and I have not stopped by your blog as often as I would like - I am glad I made time today. Your comments on friendship were encouraging and well said.

  7. I'm amazed at how God places certain people in your life at different times. Some friends are just for short periods - and then there are friends like you, that I am so grateful that God keeps bringing back into my life. :)

  8. I know this feeling of loneliness but by a wonderful act of love God teach us things and always bring back friends in our life when we are ready to welcome them.
    Lovely post and yes we have so many different friends for so many different areas of our lives - we are the blessed ones.
    take care

  9. Thank you. Melissa, I am grateful too!



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I'm a mother to six beautiful children (three boy, three girls) and married to a wonderful, incredibly patient and loving man. We homeschool and do life together and it's messy and full of grace.