
Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today I want to live intentionally.

 I want to live with intention every day.

It occurred to me this morning how easy it is to not do that.  To wake up, traipse into daily habits which are not neccessarily thought out or expedient.

So my prayer is that God show me moment by moment in the day what it is He's calling me to. That His calling and will might be manifest in my parenting, my love, my writing.

Maybe He calls me to something small, like taking time to tickle the kids or sending my husband a quick 'thinking of you' text.  Maybe He's calling me to shush long enough to hear a calling of something on a larger scale.  

But rushing through the to do list does not induce the intention I am supposed to have.  Nor does allowing my thought stream to become infested with tweet streaming or status updates.  Which brings me to the fact that...

(as I wrote in my new (groan) twitter account) I am a reluctant social networker.  Which sounds oxymoronical when written inside a bio of a social networking site.  I realize this.  I push through paradoxes every day. And I have the ability to make choices, wise or unwise, every day.  May I intentionally seek God's will in these.

When I read Jonathan Acuff's, Longevity is the new Sexy, I was turned off.  Checking stats, building platforms, being in clever status flow rather than Spirit flow, is not sexy.  But as I continued to read Acuff's blog, he struck me with his words, 'sustainable' and 'spreadable'.  God's word is sustainable.  Spreadable.  If the words He gave me can point some people sometimes to His Word, I will write then with intention.  I'll share because perhaps writing, as my friend told me yesterday, is not based on what I have published but rather is my birthright.  I love this.  I may write that down and put it on my mirror.  

I'm not called to prove myself, or to prove God for that matter.  I'm not called to draw attention to myself.  And I'm not called to filter all my thoughts through social networking sites.  But I am called to do all I do for the glory of God.  And as God has sustained me, given me by birthright a gift by which to spread His grace, I will.

With intention.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! I am glad you followed me on twitter so I could find your blog!



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I'm a mother to six beautiful children (three boy, three girls) and married to a wonderful, incredibly patient and loving man. We homeschool and do life together and it's messy and full of grace.