
Monday, July 18, 2011

On earth as it is in Heaven

I wrote on Saturday, a paper for class answering the question of whether I would like to live in, Sir Thomas More's 'Utopia.'  I had answered that I believe we all yearn for 'utopia', were, in fact created to, yet it is unattainable here on earth.  

On Sunday, while worshiping, I was struck with both confirmation and revelation.

 Praise is the closest to heaven we can come while here on earth.

There is something about the Holy Spirit's presence in a room full of worshipers, which is both peaceful and moving.  I feel at once that I am alone with God and yet also my own spirit quickened and in awe witnessing the body of Christ in union praising the same Lord that I am.

When the Spirit is upon the people, I am able to just a bit feel how it must be on that day when Christ comes.
Really, the feeling is indescribable.  The song, "I Can Only Imagine" is such an anointed piece of music and the writer puts into words so eloquently how powerful that moment will be.

As I look around a room full of God, arms raised unabashedly, grown men wiping tears from their eyes, I can feel Heaven.

Heaven is in those rooms where God is invited.  Heaven is God's will for us and when we submit, when we pray and intercede, when we worship then it is;"On earth as it is in heaven"

When I am worshiping this way, when I am face down spent but still praying, when I am obeying through a difficulty, I am doing on earth as it is in heaven.  And the presence of the Lord is so strong that I can't wait for an eternity of worship.  We  will worship in Heaven.  We will want to.  We will not be able to help ourselves when faced with His glory.

I don't want 'utopia'.  Utopia means, 'no place'.  I want Heaven.  A home for eternity with my Father.

Over at

Sunday Song Linky Party ~ Pack up those Suitcases!, too. 


  1. That was a really beautiful post-thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. It was a privilege to learn about your deep faith.

    Thanks also for linking the song to my Sunday Song Link up. I will go an listen to it right now!

    Best wishes always,

  2. Beautiful post! :-)

    Thanks for joining the Three Thinking Mothers' Blog Roll! Many blessings for your day!



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I'm a mother to six beautiful children (three boy, three girls) and married to a wonderful, incredibly patient and loving man. We homeschool and do life together and it's messy and full of grace.