
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Shaken but Not Moved

I hate talking about the enemy. Because I don't want to give too much credit to the dark when the light is so much more powerful.

But the truth is that their is a struggle and "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

One of our biggest struggles may be in our fear of sharing.  Feeling disqualified.

But I know how blessed and strengthened I've been by reading the stories of others who like me, have fallen, weak and been picked up again by Him.

What holds me back from believing that my story, too, could not be a blessing?

I am beginning to learn how to quiet that voice.  That voice that tells me to be quiet.

It is amazing to witness lives turned around after a long battle, the prodigal returning, or a return to sanity after a dark confusion and I have lived all that.

But today, I am learning how to block the battle before it begins.  I was thinking the other day about freedom in Christ and how the enemy tries to thwart that by employing plain and simple fear tactics or just inane harassment techniques.

Lately, I feel like he's tried to hit me with his best shot and it's just fallen flat.  Because I'm not playing anymore.  I'm learning to decipher truth from untruth.

That is victory.  That is God teaching me peace and wisdom.  That is me finally beginning to understand how much God loves me.


  1. I'm glad you are feeling strong in the Lord. It is so good when we stand strong and combat the enemy. It is a constant up and down struggle, especially when we listen to the inner voices.

  2. I am so encouraged by your transparency! Thank you for continuing to share your journey. I am sure I am not the only one who is blessed by your words. - and I too am familiat with those voices that try to silence and disqualify! Stay strong and silence THEM with the assurances of God's word. Eph 3:16-19 is my current 'mantra.' (I like the New Living Translation on my Bible app)

  3. I love that you are becoming stronger by being more and more open with who you are. Every secret that we hold onto is a tool for Satan. I lived in fear of others knowing all the "craziness" in me for too many years.
    It affected my relationships, my self esteem, my ministry with my husband and my walk with the Lord. Coming out is a lifetime process, too. I am always finding that my sinful nature wants to hide in the garden and not let God see the new sin in my life--but then I have to listen to His sweet voice and come on out in the open. You are amazing for sharing. Thank you for linking up to The Way I See it Wednesday. :)

  4. When we recognize those lies and replace them with His truth it's SOO powerful, isn't it? Love your words here. :)



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I'm a mother to six beautiful children (three boy, three girls) and married to a wonderful, incredibly patient and loving man. We homeschool and do life together and it's messy and full of grace.